6-1734774-7 Te Connectivity PCI Express/PCI Connectors PCI EXP 3.1L 36 POS BLK 30u

Part Nnumber
PCI Express/PCI Connectors PCI EXP 3.1L 36 POS BLK 30u
Te Connectivity
Basic price
0,58 EUR

The product with part number 6-1734774-7 (PCI Express/PCI Connectors PCI EXP 3.1L 36 POS BLK 30u) is from company Te Connectivity and distributed with basic unit price 0,58 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 14700 pc, Approx. production time is 8 weeks.

TE Connectivity Product Category: PCI Express/PCI Connectors RoHS:  Details Brand: TE Connectivity Factory Pack Quantity: 70

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